Библия – удивительная книга хотя бы потому, что вот уже более 2000 лет является произведением, наиболее востребованным человечеством.
Since 1991, we have been spreading the Word of God among those people who cannot independently acquire the books of Holy Scripture. The Bible Society in the Republic of Belarus wishes to deliver the Bible free of charge to orphans, inmates of orphanages and boarding schools, seriously ill, disabled people, prisoners, elderly people, as well as those who are who got into difficult life circumstances. For many of them, our projects are the only source of free Bible or New Testament acquisition.
The great enlightener of our people Francis Skaryna wrote: “Because not only doctors of sciences and people, scientists understand the Word of God, but every person is simple and polite, reading it and listening, he can understand what is necessary for the salvation of his soul. " We pray that by reading the Bible, every person will respond to the love of Jesus Christ and believe in Him as their Savior and Lord.
Библия – удивительная книга хотя бы потому, что вот уже более 2000 лет является произведением, наиболее востребованным человечеством.